check_junos_vc: Added 'version' check.
… which checks the version of all physically connected members to be equal.
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ use JUNOS::Device;
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
my $valid_checks = "members_count|master|backup|interfaces";
my $valid_checks = "members_count|master|backup|interfaces|version";
my $plugin = Nagios::Plugin->new(
plugin => 'check_junos_vc',
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ The following checks are available:
thresholds have been specified, also check the number of VCP interfaces
against the thresholds.
* version: Check the version of all physically connected members.
Warning and critical thresholds may be specified in the format documented at
@ -399,6 +401,63 @@ foreach my $check (@{$conf{'checks'}}) {
threshold => undef,
elsif ($check->{'name'} eq 'version') {
my %versions = get_versions($junos);
my @v_keys = keys %versions;
my $first = undef;
my @base_mismatch = ();
my %mismatches = ();
foreach my $k (@v_keys) {
my $base = $versions{$k}->{'base'};
my $other = $versions{$k}->{'other'};
foreach my $o (keys %$other) {
if ($other->{$o} ne $base) {
$mismatches{$k}->{$base} = 1;
$mismatches{$k}->{$other->{$o}} = 1;
$first = shift @v_keys;
$first = $versions{$first};
foreach my $k (@v_keys) {
if ($first->{'base'} ne $versions{$k}->{'base'}) {
push @base_mismatch, $k;
if (scalar @base_mismatch) {
my @first_match = grep {
$versions{$_}->{'base'} eq $first->{'base'}
} keys %versions;
my %mismatches = ();
foreach my $m (@base_mismatch) {
push @{$mismatches{$versions{$m}->{'base'}}}, $m;
$plugin->add_message(CRITICAL, "version mismatch detected: "
. $first->{'base'} . " @ ("
. join(", ", @first_match) . ") != "
. join(" != ", map {
$_ . " @ (" . join(", ", @{$mismatches{$_}}) . ")"
} keys %mismatches));
elsif (scalar(keys %mismatches)) {
$plugin->add_message(WARNING, "version mismatches detected: "
. join(" / ", map {
"$_: " . join(" != ", keys %{$mismatches{$_}})
} keys %mismatches));
else {
$plugin->add_message(OK, "all members at version "
. $first->{'base'});
# add total numbers to perfdata to ease graphing stuff
@ -534,6 +593,47 @@ sub get_vc_interfaces
return @ifaces;
sub get_versions
my $device = shift;
my %versions = ();
my $cmd = "show version";
my $res = send_command($device, $cmd);
my @v = ();
if (! ref $res) {
@v = $res->getElementsByTagName('multi-routing-engine-item');
foreach my $i (@v) {
my $name = get_obj_element($i, 're-name');
my @infos = $i->getElementsByTagName('software-information');
@infos = $infos[0]->getElementsByTagName('package-information');
foreach my $j (@infos) {
my $comment = get_obj_element($j, 'comment');
my ($desc, $version);
$comment =~ m/^(.*) \[([^]]+)\]$/;
$desc = $1;
$version = $2;
if ($desc eq "JUNOS Base OS boot") {
$versions{$name}->{'base'} = $version;
else {
$versions{$name}->{'other'}->{$desc} = $version;
return %versions;
sub add_arg
my $plugin = shift;
Reference in a new issue