2010-09-09 16:52:56 +00:00
from monitoringplugin import MonitoringPlugin
import re
import urllib2
plugin = MonitoringPlugin(pluginname='check_apaches', tagforstatusline='APACHE', description='Check Apache workers', version='0.1')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-H', '', 'host', 'Hostname/IP to check', default='localhost')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-p', '', 'port', 'port to connect', default=None)
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-P', '', 'proto', 'protocol to use', default='http')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-u', '', 'url', 'path to "server-status"', default='/server-status')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-a', '', 'httpauth', 'HTTP Username and Password, separated by ":"')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-w', '', 'warn', 'warning thresold', default='20')
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('-c', '', 'crit', 'warning thresold', default='50')
2010-09-09 17:12:16 +00:00
plugin.add_cmdlineoption('', '--statistics', 'statistics', 'Output worker statistics', action='store_true')
2010-09-09 16:52:56 +00:00
if plugin.options.proto not in ['http', 'https']:
plugin.back2nagios(3, 'Unknown protocol "' + plugin.options.proto + '"')
if not plugin.options.port:
if plugin.options.proto == 'https':
plugin.options.port = '443'
plugin.options.port = '80'
url = plugin.options.proto + '://' + plugin.options.host + ':' + plugin.options.port + '/' + plugin.options.url + '?auto'
plugin.verbose(1, 'Status URL: ' + url)
if plugin.options.httpauth:
httpauth = plugin.options.httpauth.split(':')
if len(httpauth) != 2:
plugin.back2nagios(3, 'Wrong format of authentication data! Need "USERNAME:PASSWORD", got "' + plugin.options.httpauth + '"')
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
passman.add_password(None, url, httpauth[0], httpauth[1])
authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
plugin.back2nagios(2, 'Could not read data! ' + str(e))
except urllib2.URLError, e:
plugin.back2nagios(2, 'Could not connect to server!')
plugin.verbose(2, 'Got data:\n' + data)
idle = int(re.search('Idle(?:Workers|Servers): (\d+)\n', data).group(1))
busy = int(re.search('Busy(?:Workers|Servers): (\d+)\n', data).group(1))
plugin.back2nagios(2, 'Could not analyze data!')
2010-09-09 17:12:16 +00:00
states = None
if plugin.options.statistics:
scoreboard = re.search('Scoreboard: (.*)\n', data)
if scoreboard:
states = {'_':0, 'S':0, 'R':0, 'W':0, 'K':0, 'D':0, 'C':0, 'L':0, 'G':0, 'I':0, '.':0,}
for worker in scoreboard.group(1):
states[worker] += 1
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['_']) + ' waiting for connection')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['S']) + ' starting up')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['R']) + ' reading request')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['W']) + ' writing/sending reply')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['K']) + ' keepalive')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['D']) + ' looking up in DNS')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['C']) + ' closing connection')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['L']) + ' logging')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['G']) + ' gracefully finishing')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['I']) + ' idle cleanup of worker')
plugin.add_multilineoutput(str(states['.']) + ' open slots(up to ServerLimit)')
2010-09-09 16:52:56 +00:00
returncode = plugin.value_wc_to_returncode(busy, plugin.options.warn, plugin.options.crit)
plugin.add_output(str(busy) + ' busy workers, ' + str(idle) + ' idle')
plugin.format_add_performancedata('busy', busy, '', warn=plugin.options.warn, crit=plugin.options.crit, min=0.0)
plugin.format_add_performancedata('idle', idle, '')