--- - hosts: all gather_facts: no serial: 1 vars: # List(!) of SSH keys for authorized_keys. Set here or in group_vars/all.yml #ssh_keys: [] # # root password, default: "root" #root_password: root # # Normal user account (with sudo) #service_username: service #service_password: {{ service_username }} #service_ssh_keys: {{ ssh_keys }} # "*cmdline_" must be listed AFTER "^cmdline_"! cmdline_python: alpine: - "apk add -U python3" archlinux: - "pacman -Sy" - "pacman -S --noconfirm python" centos: &cmdline_python_centos - "yum clean all" - "yum makecache" - "yum install -y python3 || true" almalinux: *cmdline_python_centos fedora: *cmdline_python_centos oracle: *cmdline_python_centos rockylinux: *cmdline_python_centos debian: &cmdline_python_debian - "apt-get -y update" - "apt-get install -y python3 python3-apt" devuan: *cmdline_python_debian mint: *cmdline_python_debian ubuntu: *cmdline_python_debian opensuse: - "zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys --no-gpg-checks -n refresh" - "zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys --no-gpg-checks -n install python3" voidlinux: - "xbps-install -Suy python3 libgcc" cmdline_fixes: oracle: 8: - '[ ! -f /usr/bin/python3 ] && ln -s /usr/libexec/platform-python /usr/bin/python3 || true' ssh_package_name: alpine: openssh archlinux: openssh opensuse: openssh voidlinux: openssh ssh_config_filename: opensuse-tumbleweed: /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/permitrootlogin.conf ssh_service_name: debian: ssh devuan: ssh mint: ssh ubuntu: ssh user_shell: alpine: /bin/ash tasks: - name: End for non-LXContainer meta: end_host when: inventory_hostname in groups.lxc_hosts - name: Check for no-validate parameter in download template shell: "/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download --help | grep no-validate || true" changed_when: false register: lxc_download_validate delegate_to: "{{ ansible_host|default('localhost') }}" - name: Create LXContainer lxc_container: name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" state: started template: download template_options: "-a amd64 -d {{ os_d }} -r {{ os_r }} {% if 'no-validate' in lxc_download_validate.stdout %}--no-validate{% endif %}" config: "{{ lxc_config_file|default('/etc/lxc/ansible.conf') }}" container_config: - "lxc.group = {{ os_d }}" - "lxc.group = {{ (cmdline_python[os_d][0]).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0] }}" register: lxc_created delegate_to: "{{ ansible_host|default('localhost') }}" - pause: seconds: 10 when: lxc_created is changed - name: Raw-Install Python raw: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ cmdline_python[os_d] }}" - name: OS-dependent fixes raw: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ cmdline_fixes[os_d][os_r]|default([]) }}" - setup: - name: Set root password shell: "echo root:{{ root_password|default('root') }} | chpasswd -c SHA256" - name: Add SSH keys authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ ssh_keys }}" - name: "[BLOCK] when 'service_username' is set" when: service_username is defined block: - name: 'Add normal user "{{ service_username }}"' user: name: "{{ service_username }}" shell: "{{ user_shell[os_d]|default('/bin/bash') }}" - name: 'Set password for user "{{ service_username }}"' shell: "echo {{ service_username }}:{{ service_password|default(service_username) }} | chpasswd -c SHA256" - name: Add SSH keys authorized_key: user: "{{ service_username }}" key: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ ssh_keys_service|default(ssh_keys) }}" - name: Install sudo package: name: sudo - name: Add sudo line for service lineinfile: path: /etc/sudoers regexp: "^service" line: "{{ service_username }} ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" backup: yes - name: Install SSH package: name: "{{ ssh_package_name[os_d]|default('openssh-server') }}" state: latest - name: "Set «PermitRootLogin» to «yes»" lineinfile: dest: "{{ ssh_config_filename[os_d + '-' + os_r|string]|default('/etc/ssh/sshd_config') }}" regexp: '^#? *PermitRootLogin' line: "PermitRootLogin yes" create: yes backup: yes notify: "Restart SSH" - name: Enable SSH service: name: "{{ ssh_service_name[os_d]|default('sshd') }}" enabled: yes - name: Start SSH service: name: "{{ ssh_service_name[os_d]|default('sshd') }}" state: started ignore_errors: yes handlers: - name: Restart SSH service: name: "{{ ssh_service_name[os_d]|default('sshd') }}" state: restarted